Anikriti Chauhan are beautiful photo shoot in traditional Indian costume, social media viewers are getting a lot of love

Raipur. Indian film actress Anikriti Chauhan is the youngest successful actress in Chhattisgarhi cinema. The audience loves his performance very much. Along with acting, Anikriti's dance is also good. Despite the cinema has been closed for some reason, Anikriti often takes viewers live meet in through social media. These days she is getting a photo shoot in Indian costumes from her friend. In the upcoming days, he is expected to do even more good films. At the moment thanks to the audience for their beautiful photos.

See some photos uploaded by Indian film actress Anikriti, to social media courtesy -

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ब्लॉग में लिखे गये पोस्ट का आधार विश्वस्त सूत्रों, आधिकारिक सोशल मीडिया व संबंधित व्यक्तियों की सार्वजनिक जानकारियां हैं। ब्लॉगर ने इस बात की भी पूरी कोशिश की है कि किसी की निजी ​जीवन या ऐसे तथ्य जिससे व्यक्ति अथवा संस्था की निजता आहत न हो। यदि होता है तो बिना किसी शर्त के पोस्ट हटाने की जवाबदेही है।

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